Peace is defined as freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility. calm, restfulness, peace and quiet, peacefulness. It is the freedom from or the cessation of war or violence. It is law and order, lawfulness, order, peacefulness, harmony, nonviolence.
Goodwill is a friendly, helpful, or cooperative feeling or attitude. It is benevolence, compassion, goodness, kindness, consideration and charity.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church emphasizes the importance of the Works of Mercy and in Roman Catholic teachings, the mercy of God flows through the work of the Holy Spirit. Mercy is so important and desperately needed in our world, that Pope Francis proclaimed a Special and Extraordinary Holy Year Jubilee Year of Mercy, from December 8, 2015 until November 21, 2016.
Never before has there been more violence and evil perpetuated in the world. We often hear of terrorism taking place throughout the world. but on a smaller scale, we hurt one another everyday with a lack of empathy, compassion and mercy. Our words and actions, if guided by indifference or negativity, can hurt others deeply.
In my counseling practice, I often teach the importance of having empathy and compassion towards others and with one’s self. Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other person’s frame of reference. Having empathy, in my opinion, allows us to demonstrate more peace, goodwill, and mercy towards others.
The world needs more peace, goodwill and mercy. What small steps can we take towards offering others empathy, mercy and goodwill during this season? Something as small as a smile can have a positive impact on someone’s day. Wishing each of you a peaceful holiday season.